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Better Off Dead

This is when I would usually interrupt and answer the question for my aunt to make sure she wouldn’t say anything too embarrassing or damaging, but I couldn’t I became a heartbroken zombie all over again. My aunt pulls me close for a side hug, “Emma is my niece! She never spoke about me when you guys were dating….huh...odd, anyways I’m her favorite aunt and I’m staying with her for a little.” As I stand in zombie mode watching their conversation unfold in front of me I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket of my jeans. I suddenly snap back into reality grab my phone and look down to see one unread message from Alessandro. “Ever figure out who the baby daddy is ;) you free next week for a redo dinner?” Just like that, a smile grows on my face as I read Alessandro’s text. He doesn’t think I’m crazy! For a split second, I forgot Josh was standing in front of me talking with Aunt Irene. “Josh it was nice to see you, but we need to run,” I say as I Interrupt their conversation while pulling Aunt Irene towards me to head in the direction of the exit doors. “Wait, I was wondering if you wanna grab some food at Rackhouse Pub and catch up, you know like the old times?” Without thinking much of what Josh was saying I reply with sure, call me because all I was focusing on was getting my aunt and I the hell out of the hospital before anything else could go wrong. We cruise home from the hospital; make a pit stop at the nearest Panda Express then head home. I need to text Alessandro back before he changes his mind. I go to pull out my phone when Aunt Irene starts making noise throughout the kitchen trying to find some soy sauce for her white rice. “I wonder when Darrell is going to take me out for a drink; heart attacks don’t take long to recover, right?” I stare at my aunt in disbelief that her two worries at this time were finding enough soy sauce and if snail pace Darrell was going to take her for a drink, like most conversations I ignore her and head to my room to think of some cute witty response I could give Alessandro. (Buzz, Buzz) I feel my phone vibrate, I go to look, one text from Amber, “Where have you been I’ve been trying to get a hold of you to see how you’re holding up with the roommate.” Next text was from Josh, “can’t get you off my mind….Rackhouse Pub soon?” My eyes became glued to the screen; I kept reading the text over and over. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel? I should be excited but I’m not. I decide I should text him and by him I meant Alessandro, I wasn’t ready to have a sit-down conversation with Josh especially at Rackhouse Pub! For hell sake, I got dumped there! “A redo dinner would be great!” I then push the send button to Alessandro.Ⓒcopyright 2016

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