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Case of the Ex

“I understand you’re Irene’s niece and that your aunt was with Darrell at the time of his heart attack?” I didn’t want to claim my aunt in case she did kill the poor man so I stood silently as the doctor continued to speak. “Since there isn’t any family relation I can’t give out much information, but I can reassure you that Darrell is going to be fine and that you could both go home, rest is what he needs at this time.” A wave of relief rushes over me knowing snail pace Darrell was going to make it. Aunt Irene and I make our way down the hall almost out of the hospital doors when I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I knew for sure it wasn’t Kate ambushing me for the third time because the voice belonged to a male, one I once knew very well. I had nightmares of this day happening; you know that awkward run in with the ex you were never completely over? Only this was worst because my awkward run-in was happening at a hospital with my crazy Aunt Irene. “Shit,” I mutter to myself, “I need to get out of here.” I grab Aunt Irene’s hand, speed up the pace and lead her towards the exit door while trying to escape the voice calling my name. “Emma slow down, I left my purse at the nurse’s station I will be back, you wait here.” I tried convincing my aunt she didn’t need to go back because I would go get her a brand new one instead. “Doll, it has my favorite lipstick in it, I will be quick.” As my Aunt walks towards the nurse station I take a look around to see where I could possibly hide, but all the sudden I feel a tap on my right shoulder. “Emma? I’ve been calling your name, so glad I was able to catch you before you left!” Lucky me I think to myself, I blame this moment on my Aunt. “Josh! What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were back in Denver?” I say with a little eye contact as possible. I didn’t want to see Josh because I was afraid I would miss that person I once thought I was going to marry, so I push my hair in my face hoping it would help distract my vision. “I came back a couple of weeks ago; I landed a photo shoot job for a travel magazine that wanted outdoor photos from Denver. I meant to give you a call to see how you were doing and to see how your store was holding up, but I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be posted up in Denver.” I could feel my throat starting to swell up; no words were coming to mind. “My buddy that is helping me with the job, slipped down a rock and hurt his foot, that’s why I’m here at the hospital, why are you here? You okay??” I felt as if I spoke tears would come bursting out. “Who’s this fine fella?” my aunt asks while applying her favorite lipstick on her big fat ass lips. This was probably the one time in my life I was happy my aunt butted into my conversation, still too afraid to speak due to having the floodgates open up, I keep silent, and Josh then takes the lead of the conversation. “I’m Josh, Emma and I use to date back in the day and now I’m here for work, how do you know Emma?”

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